The Wahl’s Protocol Step 1


When transitioning to the Wahl’s Protocol, this is the first step. I have to eliminate gluten, processed foods, eggs and dairy from my diet. The point isn’t to live forever without the eggs and dairy, but if once I try them again to see if I have a reaction to them. It’s an elimination allergy test. I also have to keep sugars to a minimum.

Now for the additions. I have to eat 9 cups of vegetables every day, broken down as 3 cups of greens, 3 cups sulfur-rich and 3 cups colorful. I also have to add 100% grass fed meat and wild caught or responsibly farmed fish several times per week.

I also have a large list of supplements that I’ve added to my daily routine. I’m B12 deficient and don’t absorb the vitamin without an injection. So I have to self inject B12 shots every few weeks.

Vitamin D- nightly
Coenzyme Q-10 200mg 1 nightly
Fish oil 1-3g Morning
Kelp 600mg x1 Morning
Algae 500mg x2 Morning
Matcha green tea leaves daily
B12 shots- every 3 weeks
I’m on Instagram! @headcandyrobin

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