4 year anniversaryย 

๐Ÿค’๐Ÿค•๐Ÿคข๐Ÿ˜ข Yesterday marked the 4th anniversary of being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. ๐ŸŽ—๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’‰                      –                    

I suppose that I am actually going through the “stages of grief”. 
๐Ÿ”น Year 1 was shock

๐Ÿ”น Year 2 was anger

๐Ÿ”น Year 3 was denial

๐Ÿ”น Year 4 is apparently depression 

โ˜ ๏ธ๐Ÿ’€
I know I’m usually the one to share information, raise awareness about MS, and spread the positivity and gratitude, but I just don’t have it in me right now. ๐Ÿคข 


I usually share some of the things I deal with as a way to help those without the disease gain more understanding. I always thought that if they knew a tiny bit of what we go through every day that maybe they’d have more compassion and empathy for how difficult it is to perform even the smallest task. 
๐Ÿ”ธ Maybe they’d cut us some slack and not be angry when we forgot things. 

๐Ÿ”ธ Maybe they wouldn’t call us lazy because we can’t work. 

๐Ÿ”ธ Maybe they wouldn’t be resentful if we can’t be where they want us to be or do what they want us to do. 

๐Ÿ”ธ Maybe they’d be more forgiving of our mistakes and realize that we are doing the best we can. 

๐Ÿ”ธ Maybe they’d stop making assumptions and jumping to the wrong conclusions about us because we have a disease in our brain that affects every single aspect of our lives. 



Sometimes I share what I go through because I want to help others fighting the disease. They’ll see that they’re not alone and that someone else completely understands what they’re going through. Multiple Sclerosis is very isolating and incredibly lonely. Not only do you lose your physical and mental abilities, but you also lose almost everything and everyone else from your “previous life”. 

This year has been overwhelming. As difficult as it is, I’m going to try to think positively and celebrate this anniversary as the death of a terrible year. I survived. 


I still have a long road ahead. I have a few other health issues to get through and then hopefully I can get past this awful relapse. Then I’ll be able to start a new therapy for MS and get back on my feet. Navigating through all the Dr appointments, tests, surgeries, and medications has become a full time job. It consumes my life. It requires my full attention 24/7/365. 



I didn’t ask for this disease. I didn’t work so hard my entire life to end up like this. I have to figure out how to live a life I never wanted. Some days I can get myself out of bed, accomplish a few small things, and be grateful for what I do have. Other days my legs won’t work or the room won’t stop spinning and I’m happy if I can make it to my chair on the front porch or my glider on the back patio. I soak up the sun โ˜€๏ธ and play fetch with my dogs and feel gratitude having an amazing husband and pets. Then there are the days where I’m in so much pain and can’t get any relief. The strongest medicine barely takes the edge off and I cry for 24 hours straight. 



I want to get through this. I want to feel better. I want to have my life back. I want a cure for MS. 

Keeping it Fresh!

The bedroom is my sanctuary. The bed is a very large part of my life. This is probably an unfortunate fact for anyone living with multiple sclerosis or many other illnesses. When I’m feeling well and my body cooperates with my need to constantly keep busy, I spend roughly 6 hours per night and about 2-3 hours per day in bed. Even on my best days I HAVE to take a break usually between 1-3pm, without question, my body won’t take “no” for an answer. On a bad day, rainy day, did-too-much-the-day-before day, cold day, etc., I will spend about 8-10 hours per night and 8-10 hours per day in bed. I’d say this makes me an expert at keeping my bed fresh! 

We all know there is absolutely nothing that feels as amazing as climbing into a fresh, clean bed! The soft, crisp sheets, fluffy pillows, and the mattress that just melts beneath you. I adore a fresh bed and this is something that is obviously important for me and others in my position. I’m one of those that makes my bed every day, regardless of how soon I think I might be back in it. 

I’m also really into natural and organic solutions for my home, inside and out. When I have the energy I’ve made large batches of organic cleaning products, pest spray, weed killer, and regularly make homemade food and treats for my dogs. Part of me believes that the chemicals we are surrounded by are the cause of many of our health problems, but that’s an entirely other subject! 

My husband was recently in a bad car accident and had some major health issues that required heart surgery. I did my best to take care of him with the help of his mom after he finally came home and that took every ounce of energy I had in me. It had been quite a while since I had the strength to change all the bedding and it was driving me slightly insane that I just couldn’t do it! I finally got to it a few days ago and wanted to share how I refreshed the entire bed, without harsh chemicals or needing to leave the house and buy anything for the project. I found everything in my cleaning cabinets and it made such an amazing difference! 

First, I stripped everything off the bed. I threw the pillows and comforter in the dryer on the steam cycle with a washcloth that had a few drops of essential oil added and put all the sheets and pillow cases in the washer. 

We have a split king bed with the adjustable bases, which is basically two twin-xl mattresses put together into our upholstered bed. So we switched the mattresses around and turned them over.

Then, I mixed up a batch of my own “freshener” and sprayed the mattresses, headboard, side boards and baseboard- all are upholstered. While waiting for that to dry, I switched the laundry and fed the dogs. Then I sprinkled baking soda over the mattresses and let that sit while I let the dogs outside and played a little fetch with Otis. After about an hour I vacuumed the baking soda off and started putting the comforter in a fresh new duvet cover and made the bed. 

When I crawled in it a few hours later, it felt absolutely amazing and so soft and comfortable. It’s actually been a great few nights of sleep and totally worth the effort! After my freshener formula, I’ll add a few notes about some of my other things that are very helpful or essential for my bedroom. 

Sweet dreams!!

Mattress Refresher:

  • 2 cups cleaning vinegar 
  • 1 cup rubbing alcohol 
  • 8-10 drops tea tree oil

Add to a spray bottle and shake before using.

* This formula is not only great for general refreshing, but also gets rid of odors, keeps mold and mildew away, and repels dust mites and bed bugs! 

These are a few of my favorite things—-

I absolutely love my humidifier/oil diffuser! I’ve gone through a few and so far this is my favorite. I don’t have to fill it up as often as my old one because it holds 500ml of water. Less than $30 on Amazon. 

I’ve been enjoying trying out all the scents of Essential oils for my diffuser. Of course lavender is a go-to, but trying all the many combinations is really fun! This is my current favorite and I’m loving how relaxing it is. 

A good pillow is absolutely essential to a good nights sleep! We go through a lot of pillows in this house and I replace them regularly. I’ve literally spent everywhere from $5-$125 on a single pillow trying to find one that doesn’t hurt my neck. These are the best I’ve found so far and they’re only $45 for a two-pack on Amazon! (Yes, amazon is my favorite place to shop! Going into stores and shopping is just not something that most people with MS enjoy so signing up for Prime is the best thing that’s ever happened to maintaining my life!)

Testing Pinterest Fall Paleo Pumpkin Recipesย 

Bake along with me on my Pumpkin Paleo Journey! 

I have to admit that although I’m sad summer is over and we’re closing the pool for the year, I do love that it’s time for pumpkin everything! 

I am currently going through a terrible relapse with my Multiple Sclerosis and am having a very hard time, but with 3 days of a high dose IV steroid infusion I hope that I’m on the mend. 

Any time I feel those terrible MS symptoms start to flare up I can no longer live in denial and I get very serious about my eating plan. I make sure I’m not skipping meals- my worst habit ever! The biggest problem with being on steroids for a while is that I want to eat everything and it gives me such a sweet tooth, which isn’t a good idea when I’m supposed to stick to the Wahl’s protocol diet, or a healthy modified Paleo lifestyle. 

I figured I’d test out a bunch of Pumpkin Paleo recipes I’ve found on Pinterest to satisfy my cravings while still taking extra care of myself on my healthy eating plan. I’ll make notes and give honest opinions and feedback after I try each recipe to keep everyone updated on which ones are my new favorites, and please feel free to bake along with me on my Pumpkin Paleo Journey! 

Links to original recipes included!

First, I’m going to be perfecting my own DIY pumpkin pie spice, and while I’m at it, my own DIY pumpkin coffee creamer! 

DIY Pumpkin Pie Spice

  • 1/3 cup cinnamon 
  • 2 tablespoons ginger 
  • 2 tablespoons nutmeg 
  • 1 teaspoon cloves 
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon allspice 
  • 1 teaspoon cardamom 
  • Pinch of salt 

Using freshly grated nutmeg makes such a big difference in the authentic flavor of this spice. I’ll be making up pretty jarred batches of this delicious spice as gifts for my friends and family! 

DIY Pumpkin Pie Coffee Creamer 

  • 4 ounces heavy cream 
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup 
  • 10 ounces light canned coconut milk or half & half
  • 4 Tbsp canned pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk
  1. In microwave safe bowl, combine 4 ounces cream, maple syrup, and pumpkin puree. Heat mixture in 30-second intervals, stirring constantly, until heated through and completely melted/blended, for a total of 1-3 minutes.
  2. Combine with remaining ingredients until well blended. Pour into a container with a lid and shake until completely mixed. Store in the refrigerator.

I hope you enjoy these homemade DIY Pumpkin recipes and that they inspire you to get your Paleo Pumpkin on!

Now onto testing the Pinterest Pumpkin Paleo recipes!
First up, Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes!

Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes
I’ll be trying this recipe from fleecefun.com and updating you on the results! 
Next, chocolate chip pumpkin cookies! 

Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies from lexiscleankitchen.com that sound delicious! 

Paleo Pumpkin Pie from cookeatpaleo.com

Grain Free Pumpkin Snickerdoodles from wholesomelicious.com
Up next,

3 Ingredient No Bake Pumpkin Bars from thebigmansworld.com 
Let’s try another Pumpkin Pancakes recipe…

Best Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes from paleoglutenfree.com 
I’m excited for this! 

Paleo Pumpkin Coffee Cake from jaysbakingmecrazy.com
These look delicious! 

No Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake Bites from beautyandthefoodie.com

Living Room Paint Color

We’ve been in our house for almost a year and are finally getting around to painting and decorating. Not that we’ve finished unpacking yet, but I haven’t wanted to unpack if I know I need to paint every. single. room!! 

Our living room is the first space you enter in our house. It has a very awkward layout and figuring out furniture placement for this space is a challenge! It’s long and narrow, with 3 openings to consider for traffic, and the fireplace is at the opposite end from the entrance. 

We picked out a sofa and chair and the designer at the store helped us with the furniture layout. I’ll post pictures when everything is finished in case others need help with awkward spaces! Now that I know the colors of the furniture, I’ll have a better idea of paint colors. 

We picked a gray sofa and a soft plaid fabric for the chair. Since I’m going for a modern farmhouse look, I’m keeping the palette soft and neutral, with splashes of color left to the accessories. 

I knew I wanted a soft, warm gray or beige for the walls in this room. It’s a small space that I want to feel cozy with the fireplace, so staying on the warm side will work best. 

I narrowed my selection down to 4 colors: Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter, Sherwin Williams Intellectual Gray, Mindful Gray and Perfect Greige. 

Once I painted a few swatches around the room, including next to the fireplace, I realized that my initial first choice was now my least favorite! By looking at the swatches before they went on the wall, I really thought that Revere Pewter would be my favorite, but it completely disappeared on the wall and did not warm up the space. 

Revere Pewter didn’t work in this room. It was way too light and didn’t add any warmth to the space. It barely showed on the wall, especially the wall opposite the window. When talking about its LRV, or light reflective value, Revere Pewter is a 52. 

As you can see from the image above, Revere Pewter is very light and not warm. My initial fave isn’t doing it! 

LRV is important when choosing paint colors. It refers to its lightness, brightness, and ability to absorb or reflect light into your space on a scale of 1-100 with 100 being brightest. Since I wanted to add warmth to this room, an LRV of 52 was a bit too high. I’m not looking to add lightness or brightness to this particular room, so I want an LRV below 50. 

Another color I tried is SW Mindful Gray. It has an LRV 48 so I thought it might work well as its under 50 and has a really pretty neutral gray tone. As you can see from the pictures, it also appears too light and is a bit too far on the cool side for the warmth I want in this room. 

The photo above shows the colors on the wall opposite the window.

I also tried SW Intellectual Gray. With a LRV 36, this color doesn’t reflect a lot of light and is a beautiful neutral gray. I love it’s depth and tone but it’s just a bit too dark for this room. It looks beautiful on the wall opposite the window, but is quite dark next to the brick fireplace. If the living room was larger or if I wanted a more dramatic feel this would be a great choice. I’m definitely going to try this in the dining room though, it’s a smaller room but I just might like the impact in there!

All 3 of these are beautiful colors, but they just aren’t right for this particular space. That only leaves one color, which is the winner: Sherwin Williams Perfect Greige!

With a warm gray/beige tone and a LRV 42, Perfect Greige is exactly what I want for this room. It reflects enough light to not appear “too dark” but isn’t too bright to help create a warm and cozy atmosphere. It looks great next to the brick fireplace and is the perfect neutral backdrop for the space. 

I’ll update with finished images when everything is complete! 

DIY Solar Lamp Postย 

By special request I’m sharing one of my favorite DIY projects that I created this year which is these solar lamp posts I have around my pool. 

The great thing about projects like this is that I can take my time depending on how I’m feeling. If I’m having a good day I can get things done quickly and if I’m not feeling well I can just put it aside and not worry about it. Or I can do one step at a time and rest in between, which is how most things get done around here! 

My back yard is fenced around the pool with typical white vinyl. There isn’t a place to put shepherds hooks to hang lanterns, or even anywhere to put solar path lights or tiki torches. I’ve seen people use tiki torches in potted plants or in buckets filled with gravel or cement but I wanted to find a way to use solar lights and I didn’t want to mess with the tiki oil, I don’t have the strength to deal with gravel or cement, and I wanted to add colorful flowers to brighten up the patio.

I went to Lowes and ventured to the solar lights to see what my options were. Not much without needing to stake things into the ground and the tall lanterns were $110 each! Then I took one of the pathway lights out of the box to investigate the assembly and it dawned on me that I could just create my own lamp post somehow if I could figure out how to attach the light to a stake that I could put into a flower pot since I have no place to put it in the ground. 

After roaming around with a solar light in my hand I discovered that standard solar path lights fit perfectly into 1″ pvc pipe! But wait, pvc pipe is ugly! No worries, got ya covered!

Here’s what I did:

Purchased 4 large black plastic flower pots, 4 1″ pvc pipes, 4 solar path lights, 2 large bags of potting soil, and 2 cans of rustoleum hammered metal finish spray paint for plastic. 

First I spray painted the pvc pipe to match the lights (oil rubbed bronze finish). I did 1 coat and let them dry for a few days before applying a second coat and let dry another day or so. 

I filled the pots halfway with soil and put the pipe in the middle, carefully adding more soil and packing it around the pipe to keep it straight. 

Then I simply slid the path lights in the top, added lots of flowers and this is the finished product! 


  • Flower pots $8 each (Lowes)
  • Solar lights $35 for 2 (Lowes)
  • PVC pipe $4 each 
  • Spray paint $9 each (Amazon)
  • Flowers and potting soil varies

Total cost was $118 for 4! 

(Plus flowers)

Hope you get some inspiration and enjoy creating something fun, even if you can only take one step at a time!

Staying Hydrated with DIY Electrolyte Drink

Summer has arrived and for those of us living with multiple sclerosis that can mean torture as our disease causes an intolerance to heat. It can make us feel fatigued, give us severe migraines, and make it difficult to enjoy those outdoor events like barbecues, concerts, and even just dining al fresco. 

As soon as I received my official diagnosis of MS, my husband and I decided it was time to make a few changes knowing that my future was uncertain. We didn’t want to live with the unknown and get stuck in a bad situation if my health deteriorated. We lived in a townhouse very far from our friends and family. Navigating the staircase became more and more difficult and simple things like getting myself a drink in the morning was impossible. We put a mini fridge upstairs and filled it with water, Gatorade and even breakfast bars. Then as my health took a turn for the worse, we even added a microwave so he could prep dinner and I wouldn’t have to go up and down the stairs. 

We decided that was no way to live and we knew things would become more challenging as time went on. We started saving every extra penny and knew it was time to start house hunting for a rancher! I also wanted a pool so that I could enjoy the summer and get plenty of exercise without worrying about raising my body temperature and getting “sick”. I enjoyed swimming at physical therapy but the $40 copay three times a week was adding up and if I could do it at home all summer that would save us a lot of money and save me a lot of hassle and driving every week.

Finding a ranch with a pool in NJ proved to be a challenge and it took about 2 years to finally happen. We are blessed to have our home and I no longer have to dread a hike up and down a staircase every day. Although I still spend a lot of time in bed, I’m able to go to the kitchen myself and I also get to enjoy sitting on my front porch and watch the birds, rabbits and chipmunks. The pool has been a great way to be outside and if I start getting hot, I just jump in the pool and cool off instantly. I’ve even been able to swim a few laps and do pull ups with the diving board. 

I still have to stay hydrated, which helps with fatigue and headaches. Those of us living with MS can easily become dehydrated and cause a flare up of our symptoms. Instead of spending tons of money on sports drinks, I started making my own so that I know what’s in them and I can control the sugar and sodium, while making sure the ingredients are organic and healthy. It’s also great for treating a cold, upset stomach, and seasonal allergies! I drink a glass every morning. Here’s the recipe, let me know what you think!

DIY Electrolyte Drink 

Organic, dairy free, gluten free, paleo, clean eating, detox. 

  • 4 cups water 
  • 4 Tablespoons local honey 
  • 1/2 cup fresh organic lemon juice 
  • 1 cup fresh organic orange juice 
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt 
  • 1/4 cup Apple cider vinegar 
  • 1 Tablespoon molasses 
  • 2 tablespoons minced ginger 

You can switch up the juices to change the flavor to your favorite combination. I’ve used pomegranate and lime, apple and grape, and they’re all healthy and taste great! You can even use coconut water if you like the flavor. 

Stay hydrated my fellow warriors! 

Cognitive Impairmentย 

Since its MS Awareness month I’ll share a bit about one of the most difficult symptoms people living with MS have to deal with: Cognitive impairment.

I take 9 medications every day and 4 supplements. 2 of those medications can only be taken at night. One is a muscle relaxer to help with pain & muscle spasms & the other is to reduce brain swelling and side effects from nerve damage. They can only be taken at night because they knock me out and make the world around me spin to the point of not being able to function. If you’ve ever been drunk to the point of having the worst spins that you get incredibly nauseous and want to vomit, that’s how these meds make me feel every night. 
With cognitive impairment comes feeling lost. You don’t know what day it is, you can’t find things, and it’s hard to get yourself together. Add to that the morning after effects of the meds from the night before (think about a severe hangover). 
I woke up and noticed what a beautiful day it was and desperately wanted to be out in the sunshine! I hurried to take my morning meds. About an hour later, while walking through a store with hubby, the world starts spinning and making me nauseous to the point of not being able to stay standing without my cane so we had to leave immediately and rush home so I could go back to bed. When I got to bed I immediately looked through my meds to find my nausea pills & noticed that I accidentally took my Wednesday night meds instead of my Wednesday day meds. 
I spent the next few minutes crying because I knew that meant my day was over, that this beautiful weather would pass me by, and I felt worthless because my brain wasn’t functioning well enough to take the correct meds. 
I just woke up after about 6 hours feeling terribly sad that I made such a dumb mistake and lost such a beautiful day. I’m incredibly grateful that I wasn’t alone at the store because I don’t know what I would’ve done if my husband wasn’t by my side. 

If you know someone living with multiple sclerosis, please know that they’re not just fighting physical issues. Some days the mental and emotional pain can be just as painful. Reach out and make sure they’re ok. Ask if they need help. Be there for them even if it’s just to listen. 

Master Bathroom Remodel part 4: Wall Tile

Now starts the long, tedious and messy project of tiling the walls! In the previous post I showed the tiles that we decided to use and planned to purchase at Home Depot and a local tile warehouse. 

We got super lucky at a recent trip to Habitat for Humanity Restore while shopping for a dresser when we found a huge stack of bright white subway tile! They had a pallet full of large boxes of our wanted tile and when we asked the price per box we discovered they were only $15! The same tiles at HD were $28 per box. When we asked for 17 boxes they gave us an extra discount and charged us $12 per box, even throwing in a stack of loose tiles! We saved $272 on the tile and are ecstatic! I was planning on doing the tile last, wanting to save the money for a few months, but don’t need to now! I hope this encourages you to check out your local Habitat restore and keep your options open, you can save hundreds on high quality materials!

I removed the baseboard and measured where I wanted the subway tile to start, drawing a level line across the wall. I’m going to do the glass tile as an accent on top of the subway tile and above the vanity countertop, so I measured the height of where the vanity backsplash stops and used that as my guide. The glass tile comes in 12×12″ sheets and I simply cut them in thirds for the width of the accent. Once the subway tile was installed, I placed the glass tile on top and used a plastic tile edging to finish the top. 

I decided on “Natural Gray” instead of white for the grout color, knowing how quickly white grout gets dirty, and wanting to use the same grout for the floor tile. 

I’m doing one wall section at a time, applying the subway tile, then the glass accent, grouting the glass tile after 24 hours, and will finish grouting the subway tile at the end when all the walls are done. Grouting is a very messy process so I highly recommend using a dropcloth to protect your floors! 

I’ll post progress images as I go along, but here’s the latest picture of what’s going on!

I’m loving the color selections and how the “Comfort Gray” wall color looks with the glass accent tile and white subway tiles with “Natural Gray” grout! I’m very excited to get finished! 

Master Bathroom Remodel Part 3: DIY Chalk Paint Cabinet Before and Afterย 

I’m still working on removing the wallpaper border, which is turning out to be a tedious process due to my difficulty with being up on a step-ladder- my multiple sclerosis is causing  vertigo issues. I can only stand up there, spraying and scraping, for a short period of time before getting dizzy and needing a break. Each section needs sprayed and scraped twice and is taking forever! I’ll work on a 2′ section at a time; spraying, letting the removal spray sit for a few minutes, scraping off the top layer, spraying again to soak the inner layer, then scraping again. Then I need to get down off the step stool and work on solid ground for a while. So I’ve decided to multi-task and work on another part of the bathroom at the same time. I figure the cabinets need several coats of paint with drying time between each coat, and that’s the perfect project to work on in-between sections. 

I also thought I’d try making my own homemade chalk paint because I want to use 2 different colors to achieve the desired effect and that would run about $70! I did tons of research into different formulas and which held up best compared to my favorite Annie Sloan chalk paint. I decided to use the Plaster of Paris formula with good quality paint, and to finish with Annie Sloan soft wax, since I already had a full large container from another project. 

The formula I use is:

1 part Plaster of Paris + water + 3 parts paint 

I bought these resealable plastic paint containers for $1.50 at Lowes, along with a quart of the desired paint color in high-quality Sherwin Williams. I had a gallon of “Tricorn Black” from painting my front door to use as the base color, and picked “Repose Gray” as the desired color for my cabinets. 

I filled the container up to the 4 ounce mark, and slowly added just enough water to mix into a smooth, creamy blend, making sure to get all the lumps out. I’d compare the texture to yogurt for the perfect consistency. Then I added the paint color up to the 16 ounce mark and mixed thoroughly. I made a batch of the black and a batch of the gray. 

Before I started painting, I removed the old hardware and drilled new holes for the new drawer pulls.

Since I’m going for a slightly rustic appearance, knowing the cabinets starting color is too light to be able to sand and produce some distressed areas, I’m using a few base coats of black to create the depth, dimension and character! I painted 2 coats on the wall cabinet and half of the vanity, making sure I also painted the door interior as well. 

This paint is amazing! Goes on nice as smooth, with great coverage! I didn’t do any sanding to prep the surface of the laminate, just made sure it was nice and clean. It seems to be adhering nicely, no chips or scratches so far!

After the black dried for a day, I added 2 coats of Repose Gray, making sure I left the Tricorn Black showing through in the crevices for that character I’m looking to achieve. It worked and I’m in love with the effect and the new color!

Once the paint was dry, which took no time at all, I used my stiff wax brush to apply the clear wax to all the painted surfaces in a random circular pattern. Let that begin to set for about 15 minutes  and then wipe off the excess. 

On went the new knobs and drawer pulls and project complete! 

I’m loving the new look and how much money I saved! I’ll update in a few weeks to let you know how they’re holding up.  


Master Bathroom DIY Remodel part 2

Design inspiration time! 

I’m probably like most people in that I enjoy the design process more than anything. It gets my creative juices flowing and I dream about how beautiful it’s going to look when I’m done! I spend way too much time on Pinterest, HGTV and other design sites saving every image I love and narrowing down the final inspirations for what will actually work in my home!

Here’s where I’m going with our bathroom…

Paint color: Sherwin Williams Comfort Gray in the bathroom and Sea Salt in the adjoining bedroom. 

As you can see in the before pictures, I tested many colors on the walls before deciding on these colors. I wanted something in the gray family but love the touch of cool green of these shades. I love how clean and airy Sea Salt will be for the bedroom, and the warmth that Comfort Gray will give to the bathroom.

Floors: Dark gray tile. I still haven’t decided between doing the smaller tiles in a herringbone pattern, or a slightly larger tile in a brick pattern. I also found a beautiful whitewashed wood look tile that I fell in love with! I bought samples of each and will test them out before making a final decision. 

Wall Tiles

I’ve always wanted a white marble bathroom. It’s so classic and never goes out of style. But it’s very expensive and I might go with classic white subway tiles instead. I picked up several samples, along with a few glass tile mosaic samples as an accent and will see how they look in the room before deciding. 

The cabinets

All the cabinets and tub surround are in great shape so I’m just going to chalk paint them. Since the countertop is white I’m going to break it up and paint them either gray or a gray/beige color. I’ll eventually change out all the hardware, faucets and light fixtures for oil rubbed bronze as well. 

There you have it! My design inspiration for my DIY bathroom remodel! I better get back to wallpaper scraping!